Help my cat ate adderall

my dog just ate a plastic bag, more or less the same type with a candy wrapper. but three times bigger than a candy wrapper. im so worried right now. what will i do
Help. How is Adderall going to show up on.
Help. How is Adderall going to show up on.
Cat - Jetzt die große Markenvielfalt bei OTTO entdecken!

Help my cat ate adderall
Adderall Addiction TreatmentPlease help quickly - my cat ate a.
12.06.2010 · Best Answer: Oh wow, I'm sorry for laughing. I was worried too. My cat did the same thing when he was little! Unless the cat is acting weird or has any
Adults with ADD > General ADD Talk I posted this on another thread but I'm thinking this forum might generate more The drug test will pick up 4 different
Help my cat ate adderall
Cat bei OTTOmy dog ate plastic wrapper, help! - Dog.